Inner Work Alchemy

Join Kristen on an 8 week journey to unlock your highest timeline. This will be the last program you will EVER need to heal ALL your blocks so you can finally step into your purpose, build unshakable confidence & become magnetic AF

Is this you?

✔️You often get triggered & it knocks you off your path for days or weeks

✔️You want to break free from your inner critic and finally experience the self love everyone raves about

✔️You procrastinate on your goals even though you want them SO bad

✔️You are aware of your self sabotaging patterns, but your affirmations aren’t doing anything to HEAL them

✔️You judge yourself and others harshly and you know that's not your true self

✔️You are ready to trailblazer a new path that is not held back by what your family/friends think

✔️You're ready to heal your father wound so you can stop manifesting unhealthy patterns in relationships

✔️You're ready to cultivate the deepest self-trust & self confidence within

✔️You struggle to set boundaries, often feeling overwhelmed and undervalued in your relationships.

✔️You feel like you're living someone else's life, constantly questioning your own identity. You crave clarity, purpose, and a life that truly reflects who you are.



Heal your self doubt, build unshkable confidence & become MAGNETIC AF using deep inner work, subconcious reprogramming 🧲

Program Start date: September 2nd

Weekly Curriculum

Week 1: Welcome, Higher Self Synchronization, & Universal Laws

We will connect with your higher self, understand why you're getting triggered & learn how to use the universal laws to work with Source to shift quickly

Week 2: Inner Child Work

You will gain an indepth understanding of inner child work & how to use it to heal any trigger. Inner child work will help rediscover joy, build unshakable-confidence & magnetism, and heal your self doubt for good.

Week 3: Perfectionism/


We will heal the root of your perfectionism which will in turn stop your procrastination. You will be taking loads of aligned action after this!

Week 4: Shadow Work

We'll heal and integrate your shadow self. Results include radical authenticity, less judgment for yourself/others, becoming your most authentic self & magnetism.

Week 5: Friendship Wound

We'll heal the friendship wound to release past hurts and build fulfilling relationships. As a result, you'll enjoy deeper connections, & call in your soul fam

Week 6: Father Wound Work

Healing your father wound is going to transform your LIFE This will compeletly transform your relationship with the masculine & your own masculine energy.

Week 7: Boundaries/

People Pleasing

Heal your people-pleasing tendencies and start setting healthy boundaries to reclaim your personal power. As a result, you'll experience increased self-respect, stronger relationships, and the freedom to prioritize your own needs and desires.

Week 8: Q&A, Closing Ceremony, Future Visioning

Now that we've cleared a lot of density, we'll align to your next timeline. Get ready to blast your heart open & feel into your future

After Inner Work Alchemy you can expect....

✔️Cultivate unshakable self-confidence and trust in yourself so you’ll reach your goals without constantly doubting your abilities

✔️Free yourself from other people's projections and opinions so you can finally live your best life unapologetically and authentically.

✔️Have a spiritual toolbox to work through ANY trigger or shadow that comes up, allowing you to stay grounded and calm even in the most difficult situations

✔️Have tangible tools to shorten the distance between trigger & regulation so you can take action instead of freeze

✔️Gain a deep understanding of yourself, your exact needs, and your desires so you can confidently set clear boundaries and express yourself in all your relationships

✔️Feel safe & secure in your body while navigating next levels & quantum leaps and truly learn to LOVE the unknown

Hi, I'm Kristen

I'm a corporate dropout turned Spiritual Mentor & Confidence Coach

The last 5 years of my life have been one big quantum leap. I have gone from miserable corporate girly, to broke entreprenuer to now multi six fig entreprenuer.

If there's one thing I've done consistenly through all of these quantum leaps -- its INNER WORK.

Inner work and subconcious reprogramming have been KEY to raising my core vibration and calling in business success, money, soulfam, confidence, self trust & so much more.

Using my proven 4 step process SHINE you will learn to do the inner work, reprogram your mind, and take consistent action towards your goals

Here’s everything you get when you join Inner Work Alchemy TODAY

🪄8 Week Inner Work Alchemy Program (Value $997)

🪄8 Live Coaching Calls with Kristen (Value $2,997)

🪄Private Community of likeminded women (Value $997)

🪄 Meditations (Value $67)

🪄8 Journal Prompts/Worksheets (Value $47)

FREE Bonus for the first 10 to join: Soul Purpose Activator (Value $333)


Today's price: $1555

There’s so many things that I can say I love about Kristen, but my favorite one is her dedication to helping others. I joined Inner Work Alchemy looking to focus on delving into my father wound since I’ve never really explored it too much. That wound had been a consistent theme over this past year so when I saw she was going to cover that, I was like ‘I’m in.’ What I didn’t expect was the impact not only that section had on me but the WHOLE course had on me. Saying it was transformative is an understatement. I literally went through a whole identity death and came out a completely different person. Her meditations are magic( I literally use her Heart Opening meditation every morning to start my day.) Kristen tells you that if you put in the work, you will be a different person by the end of the course and she was right. If you are on the fence on working with Kristen or signing up for one of her courses, this is your sign to do so. Be ready to do the work and she will guide you to a whole different you; one that you have probably only dreamed of being. She’s a literal Earth angel and I am so grateful for the work she does.

- Rose



time tested tools & modalities you'll learn

🪄Inner child healing

🪄Shadow Work & Shadow Integration

🪄Subconscious reprogramming

🪄Story Shifting

🪄Releasing resistance

🪄Higher self harmonizing

🪄Procrastination & Productivity tools

🪄Source perspectives

🪄Cord-cutting rituals

Proven Processes for Healing


1. Mindset Mastery


2. Reprogram that Sh*t


3. Become Confident & Magnetic AF

This program IS for you if:

  • You're sick and tired of letting your emotions control you. You want to break free from your inner critic and finally experience the joy and peace you deserve.

  • You're always doing more for others than they do for you. You're exhausted from always putting yourself last and want to start setting boundaries and caring for yourself without feeling guilty.

  • You find yourself pushing away the people you care about or shutting down emotionally. You’re tired of messing up your own happiness and feeling like you don’t deserve love.

  • You are ready to trailblazer a new path that is not held back by what your family/friends think

  • You want to heal your relationship to the divine feminine/masculine with father and mother wound work

  • You feel like you're living someone else's life, constantly questioning your own identity. You crave clarity, purpose, and a life that truly reflects who you are.

This program is NOT for you if:

  • You're looking for a quick fix or an overnight miracle without putting in the time and effort required for deep, lasting change.

  • You’re convinced that your past doesn’t really affect your present and you’re not interested in exploring it further.

  • You're not willing to step outside your comfort zone. You’d rather stick to what’s familiar and avoid trying anything new.

  • You believe you can handle all your emotional baggage on your own and don’t need any help. You prefer to go it alone and aren’t open to seeking support or learning from others.


When does this round start? When are the calls?

We will start the first week of September. The first call will be on Wednesday, September 4th at 2PM PST. Weekly calls will be every Tuesday or Wednesday - Kristen will poll once everyone is in the group for the best time

How is the program structured?

Each week, you hop on a live, interactive session with me and the rest of the group. Think of it like a masterclass. I’ll kick things off by sharing everything you need to know about the inner work focus of the week, then guide you through practical steps to apply what you've learned. Then, we’ll wrap up with a LIVE hypnosis session, followed by a Q&A and action items to keep you moving forward all week.

What if I miss a live session?

No biggie! All sessions are recorded and ready for you to watch whenever you get a chance. You won’t miss out on anything!

Is this a good replacement for therapy?

No, this work is not meant to replace therapy. If you have a pre-existing mental health condition, Kristen does not reccomend you start this work without the supervision or a therpist or doctor.

How much time do I need to commit each week?

Each live session will last about 90 minutes. I also recommend setting aside time to reflect and work on the weekly action items. Overall, you should plan to dedicate around 2-3 hours per week to get the most out of the program.

Is this program suitable for beginners?

You bet! Inner Work Alchemy is designed to be accessible to anyone, no matter where you are on your healing journey. Whether you're new to inner work or have been at it for a while, I meet you where you are and help you grow from there.

Will there be support outside of the group sessions?

Absolutely! You'll join a private online community where you can connect, share, and get support from me and other beautiful souls on the same journey as you.

Do you offer refunds?

Due to the nature of this program, there are no refunds. However, I’m fully committed to helping you get the most out of Inner Work Alchemy.

If you have any other questions, email me at and I’ll get back to you to help you decide.

Mental Health Disclaimer:

By signing up for this program, I understand that Kristen is not a licensed therapist or mental health professional. Clients with pre-existing mental health conditions are strongly encouraged to seek guidance from a licensed therapist or psychotherapist while engaging in this spiritual work. Kristen is not responsible for any mental health issues or struggles that may arise during the sessions. By signing up and participating, clients assume full responsibility for their mental well-being and any outcomes from the sessions.